Even the wrong road can teach us the right thing – about courage, about perseverance, about who we truly are.
A year ago, I stood at the edge of change, my hands open, my heart uncertain. Necessity called me forward, but so did a hidden, restless yearning – the need for something different, something untried. So I took a chance, stepped into unfamiliar shoes, and walked a path that, in the end, did not fit me.
It is no easy thing to give your all to something, only to realize it is not yours to keep. But there is wisdom in knowing when to let go, and there is dignity in walking away without bitterness. I was honest with myself and with those who placed their trust in me, and for that, I left not with regret, but with respect – both given and received. The door remains open should I ever wish to return, a testament to the impression I made.
So what, then, was gained?
A circle of good people, who saw my effort and cared for my success. A break in the rhythm of my life, proving that I am capable of stepping beyond comfort. The knowledge that even in uncertainty, even in spaces where I do not quite belong, I can still stand tall, still persist, still give my best.
But above all, I gained a deeper understanding of myself. Each road traveled, even briefly, adds another layer to the story of who we are. And though this one did not lead to my forever, it led me closer to knowing where I do belong.
And that, I believe, is worth everything.