I want change. Not the gentle kind that eases its way in unnoticed, but the bold, unrelenting kind.
Another year has passed, and a new one unfolds before me, brimming with a hope I dare to hold onto. It’s the kind of hope that wraps around me in quiet moments, whispering of transformation and the possibility of becoming more.
There will be tears,I can feel them already, welling up not out of sadness but necessity. Tears that soften the hardened corners of my resistance, tears that water the soil where change dares to take root.
I want change. Not the gentle kind that eases its way in unnoticed, but the bold, unrelenting kind. The kind that calls for unflinching honesty, for breaking down walls I once thought were my protection. Change that is as uncomfortable as it is liberating.
It won’t be easy. I know this. But I’ve decided that hard is not something to fear, hard is where the work happens. Hard is where the worth lies.
So here I stand, at the start of this new year, not with resolutions but with intentions. To keep pushing, to keep believing, to let the tears flow when they must, and to embrace the hard truths because they are what will lead me to where I want to be.
Here’s to the journey ahead, to the woman I am becoming, and to a year that will undoubtedly leave its mark on me.